Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hats off to those who have created such amazing art..
These are great piece of robotic concepts..
This video is a great example of stop-motion animation. It has great timing, and motion skills.
This is a concept bike.. It is also a 3D Model.
It surely takes lot of time to think and create something like this

Be Creative

Dear Viewers,
Creativity is there in every one of us. This blog is nothing but a way of showing your own creativity. Here in this blog I would be sharing all new techniques of making new things and will show how time can me more useful.
There's no bound to creativity, it can be in any form : Animation, Drawing, Child Art, Photography, Sand, Wast materials and lot more....there is not even one thing through which u cant create anything out of it... I hope that u guys like and support my step toward this thinking of creativity..

All I want to tell is,